This area is called “Komatsu no Sato” and was once the falconry site of the Tokugawa Shogunate.
If you look at old maps, the location of “Otamainari” is marked in this area, but in the old days it was a branch jinja.
The Otama Inari Jinja now is located in a place with this connection, and was relocated from the Jinja at Kanda Otamagaike, which was destroyed in the Great Earthquake and Fire in 1855, as the main Jinja in 1871.
Regarding the history of Inari Shrine at Otamagaike during the Kanda period, as mentioned in the “Origin of Otama Inari Okami” in the “Edo Meisho Zue” ,Ota Dokan visited there in the first year of Choroku(1457), there are records of the prayers of Ashikaga Shogun Yoshimasa in the first year of the Kansho era(1460), and then of the visit of Date Masamune in the fourth year of the Bunroku era(1595).